Smart Buildings
Smart buildings to optimize operations and respond to your needs.
Measurable Results
It’s common for our clients to improve data accuracy to over 95%, streamline operations, reduce energy consumption, and save $150K to $2M annually.
- Russell Olson, President, ROI Consulting Group
Shadow Occupancy
While absorbing a new division, a major beverage company was looking to eliminate redundancies and consolidate locations. However, occupancy reports indicated all space was near capacity. ROI performed an occupancy audit resulting in:
421 workspaces recaptured
Annual savings $1.7 million
Work Order Management
A large communications company needed to physically go to the facilities department to submit work orders. This inefficiency created a lengthy process that often took days, led to poor customer service and required 3 people a week to create operations reporting.
Implementation of a facilities service request portal
Annual savings $106,000